Why are fallopian tubes removed? What to expect after fallopian tube removal?


Fallopian tubes are the structures that help the transportation of the oocytes and the fertilized eggs to the womb. So fallopian tubes are the channels which has to be patent in order to get pregnant. Fallopian tube removal is required because of some kind of infections in the tubes. This is one of the causes. The other second common cause is ectopic pregnancy. This is a risky situation for pregnant women.

Another need for fallopian tube removal is to prevent ovarian cancer risk in some patients. And in some women in order to have a permanent birth control tubes can be removed. We can remove the fallopian tubes after patients sterilization wish. Fallopian tube removal is a very easy procedure. It's done by laparoscopic surgery. As it's done with very small incisions in your belly, you don't have pain a lot after the surgery. It can be done in a daily based surgery.

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00:00 ฤฐntro
00:06 Why are fallopian tubes removed?
00:50 What to expect after fallopian tube removal?
01:55 What is ectopic pregnancy?
02:26 Can you get pregnant without fallopian tubes?
03:00 How to open blocked fallopian tubes?
03:50 Recommended video

You don't need to stay at the hospital after fallopian tube removal. Your periods will not change. Nothing changes regarding your hormonal status. Everything will be the same. The only thing that changes that you will not be pregnant anymore. If you wish to have babies after fallopian tube removal, the only way is to have an IVF treatment for that. This is a permanent way of sterilization for women.

After fallopian tube removal performed by laparoscopy surgery, when you go home you usually go back to your daily life in one to two days. You can have some little pain. With laparoscopy we work with carbon dioxide gas and this gas irritates your shoulders or you can have some pain in your stomach but this will be over like in one week. The risks of surgery in tube removal are very minimal.

When a woman gets pregnant the most important part is to know where the pregnancy has implanted. After getting a post pregnancy test we need to assure at the ultrasound. And we see the baby and the gestational sac inside the womb. If we cannot see the baby inside the womb then it can be an ectopic pregnancy. Tubal pregnancy is the most common form of ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is a life treating condition that has to be treated by surgery or by medications.

If a woman has already had her tubes removed, then it's not possible to conceive spontaneously, in a natural way. After fallopian tube removal in order to get pregnant, what you need is the IVF treatment, in vitro fertilization. With vitro fertilization, we fertilize the eggs outside in the laboratory and then we replace the embryo to the womb. So we don't need to the tubes to be there or we don't need the tubes to be patent. After fallopian tube removal the only way to get pregnant is with in vitro fertilization treatments.

In blocked tubes , we can open fallopian tubes by surgery. This can be done with laparoscopic surgery or by a small incision in the abdomen with laparotomy. We usually prefer laparoscopic surgery when doing this kind of surgery to open the blocked fallopian tubes. At surgery, we see inside to the abdomen and we see the abdominal organs. If there is too much adhesions or if there is too much scar tissue in your tubes, then this kind of surgery might not help to unblock the tubes. Otherwise reopening and just cutting the scarred or blocked part of the tubes and just joining the healthy parts together can help you to unblock the tubes. This kind of surgeries can be done daily basis or by one might stay at the hospital.

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