Is Endometrial Cancer Curable | गर्भाशय का कैंसर कितना खतरनाक है | How Quickly Uterus Cancer Spread


Is endometrial cancer curable | गर्भाशय का कैंसर कितना खतरनाक है | how quickly uterus cancer spread ]

Endometrial (uterus) cancer is a type of cancer
that begins in the uterus. The uterus is the hollow pear-shaped pelvic organ where fetal development occurs.
Endometrial cancer begins in the layer of cells that form the lining (endometrium) of the uterus. Endometrial cancer is sometimes called uterine cancer. Other types of cancer can form in the uterus including uterine sarcoma but they are much less common than endometrial cancer.
★ Symptoms and sign of uterus Cancer
Signs and symptoms of endometrial cancer may include:
•Vaginal bleeding after menopause
•Bleeding between periods
•Pelvic pain
★ Causes of uterus Cancer
What is known is that something occurs to create changes (mutations) in the DNA of cells in the endometrium the lining of the uterus.
The mutation turns normal healthy cells into abnormal cells.
★ Risk factors of uterus endometrial Cancer
Factors that increase the risk of endometrial cancer include:
1• Changes in the balance of female hormones in the body.
The ovaries make two main female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Fluctuations in the balance of these hormones cause changes in the endometrium. A disease or condition that increases the amount of estrogen but not the level of progesterone in body can increase your risk of endometrial cancer. Examples include irregular ovulation patterns which might happen in polycystic ovary syndrome obesity and diabetes. Taking hormones after menopause that contain estrogen but not progesterone increases the risk of endometrial cancer.
2• More years of menstruation.
3• Never having been pregnant.
4• Older age. As get older risk of endometrial cancer increases. Endometrial cancer occurs most often after menopause.
5• Obesity. Being obese increases your risk of endometrial cancer. This may occur because excess body fat alters your body's balance of hormones.
6•Hormone therapy for breast cancer.
7• An inherited colon cancer syndrome. Lynch syndrome

★Diagnosing endometrial cancer Tests and procedures used to diagnose endometrial cancer include:
1-Examining the pelvis. .
2• Using sound waves to create a picture of your uterus. Using a scope to examine your endometrium.
3• Removing a sample of tissue for testing.
4• Performing surgery to remove tissue for testing.
★ Treatment of endometrial Cancer
Treatment for endometrial cancer is usually with surgery to remove the uterus fallopian tubes and ovaries.
1• Surgery
Treatment for endometrial cancer usually involves an operation to remove the uterus (hysterectomy) as well as to remove the fallopian tubes and ovaries (salpingo-oophorectomy). A hysterectomy makes it impossible for you to become pregnant in the future.
2 • Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy uses powerful energy beams such as X-rays and protons to kill cancer cells.
Radiation from a machine outside your body.
Radiation placed inside your body.
3• Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy uses chemicals to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy may be recommended for treating advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer that has spread beyond the uterus.
4• Hormone therapy
Hormone therapy involves taking medications to lower the hormone levels Hormone therapy may be an option if you have advanced endometrial cancer that has spread beyond the uterus.
5• Targeted drug therapy
Targeted drug treatments focus on specific weaknesses present within cancer cells.
6• Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy is a drug treatment that helps your immune system to fight cancer.
7• Supportive (palliative) care

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query taken in video:
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This channel started by Dr Santosh Singh , MBBD MD an allopathic Doctor by profession research scholar physician and lab medicine expert. Aim of this channel to create awareness in people about common illness healthy lifestyle and right foods ,
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Dr Santosh is a medical graduate Form GMC Bhopal did MD & now work's as assistant professor in (MP) India

Video Language - Hindi
Place - INDIA

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