5 things women need to know about PROSTATE CANCER #prostatecancertreatment


5 things women need to know prostate cancer

1. Know what prostate cancer is
Prostate cancer occurs when cells in the prostate grows out of control.  The cancer may remain confined to the prostate gland but it can also spread to other areas of the body such as lymph nodes, organs or to the bones. Remind men they need to be just as vigilant about prostate cancer as women are about breast cancer.

2. Know prostate cancer risk factors
Some of the following risk factors have been linked to this disease:
·      Age.
·      Family history.
·      Race.
·      High fat diet and/or obesity.
·      Smoking.
·      Sedentary lifestyle .
·      Veterans and men exposed to Agent Orange are at an increased risk of developing the disease.
3. Know the symptoms
Often prostate cancer may have no symptoms but some common symptoms that may occur include blood in the urine or semen, erectile dysfunction, painful ejaculation, back or hip pain, and frequent urination and difficulty starting or stopping a urine stream.

4. Know how prostate cancer is detected
This is where early detection is crucial – by regular, consistent screenings.   If a man develops prostate cancer the earlier it is caught the greater the chance of survival.  The best early screening tool are a PSA (prostate specific antigen) blood test. It is recommended for a man to get a baseline PSA at age 40.  PSA values should be tracked overtime – if it rises this could indicate the need for further screening. 
However, if the cancer has spread beyond the prostate, the survival rate decreases significantly which is why early detection is so important.

5.  Know how to help a man care for his prostate health
Women have a bigger role in their man’s prostate health than they realize. Women understand the importance of taking care of themselves.

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