पुरे शरीर में कैंसर फैल गया था, 5 महीने में योग और आयर्वेद से मिला आराम || Swami Ramdev


पुरे शरीर में कैंसर फैल गया था, 5 महीने में योग और आयर्वेद से मिला आराम || Swami Ramdev
Cancer had spread all over the body, got relief from yoga and ayurveda in 5 months || Swami Ramdev
#SwamiRamdevAyurvedicTips #breastcancertreatment #cancerpatient

I was diagnosed with breast cancer, breast carcinoma, then it had spread to the backside in the spinal code five-six places, there were cysts in the ovary, and it had spread to the lungs, at this stage when there was thick darkness all around. then I put my guru's photo and I sat in front of him and I said now guru Ji what I have to do and nobody can believe it but it happened, I in that stage, I had 3 hemoglobin and my platelets were 75000 and my WBC was 1000, 700,800 were going on like this, then I did Pranayama for six-six, seven-seven, eight hours taking the Guru's command as paramount and at that time there was burning sensation in the whole body and when the first chemo started When this happened, blood started flowing from my nose and mouth, hands and feet were torn and all such blood was oozing out, then the revered Swamiji came in a dream and I am telling you all the medicines, I am grinding a rosewood leaf. If taken three, four, five times, my blood stopped in five to six days and after grinding peepal leaf, guava leaf, wheatgrass, basil, neem, I would drink its juice in a glass in the morning. Then there was oil which I used for a month, the amazing result was that virgin oil of wheat that I used to take empty stomach, and in it, I ground neem leaves, basil leaves and boiled them and made oil. And I took it on an empty stomach in the morning and evening, and I took Giloy three times in the morning and afternoon and the evening, and I also took aloe vera leaf three times in the morning and afternoon and the evening, and within five months I had a lump of four and a half. I have come to one and the hemoglobin I have, now I have given the latest report to Swamiji, it has increased from 3 to 14, my WBC which was one and a half thousand is seven and a half thousand, and my platelets which were 75000 are now above three lakhs Today is Shri Krishna Ashtami, we worship Lord Krishna Ji as a perfect man with 16 arts, but we worship revered Swamiji as 24 arts, it won't be an exaggeration because the guru ji has become my experience. Ramakrishna says in Paramhansa Avatar Charitam, the coming Kali-yuga incarnation will be of the velocity of the wind and will create a fence of spirituality.

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