What is Amyloidosis? (Buildup of Amyloid Proteins)
What is Amyloidosis? (Buildup of Amyloid Proteins) - Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention. Learn more here: https://healthery.com/health/amyloidosis/
This video is meant for educational purposes and is not medical advice.
Amyloidosis is a disease that is a result of too much protein being deposited into your organs. This scary disease can become a life-threatening situation if not treated or caught much too late.
This video is to help educate patients on what the symptoms are and who is at the highest risk of developing the disease. We will also discuss the diagnosis process and how the disease is treated.
For some, Amyloidosis can be inevitable but we share some preventative measures you can adopt to help stave off the disease for as long as possible. As always, discuss the condition further with your doctor and alert the professionals to any dietary changes you are making to ensure that it will not impact your treatment negatively. This video is to help you understand the disease but not diagnose.
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