The symptoms of anal cancer


For additional information, visit This video shares information on the symptoms of anal cancer. Anal cancer is not common, and men are not often affected as women. Some of the risk factors include the infections of the Human papilloma virus (HPV). HPV has more than 100 different types, and some spread through sexual contact. More than 70% of people diagnosed with anal cancer have evidence of the infection of HPV.

Other risk factors include presence of sexually transmitted disease, aging, smoking and immune-deficiency. The symptoms of anal cancer are similar to other anal disorders such as anal fissure or piles (haemorrhoids). About 20% of people with the cancer may not show any symptoms, and some of the symptoms of anal cancer include discharge of mucus from anus; rectal bleeding; pain around the anus; small lumps around the anus that appear as piles; sensation of a lump in the anus and feeling of incomplete evacuation after emptying the bowel; fecal incontinence or difficulty in controlling bowels; anemia and its symptoms; and lump(s) in the groin indicating swollen lymph nodes.

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