Signs of Oral Cancer | mouth cancer | oral cancer stages | early stage check mouth cancer


Signs of Oral Cancer | mouth cancer | oral cancer stages | early stage cheek mouth cancer

In this video, Dr Raj Nagarkar, Managing Director talks about signs of oral cancer also known as mouth cancer. The Dr shares an incident of his patient who was a young 10-year-old kid. The kid suffered from oral cancer after he started chewing gutkha and was unable to open his mouth. The disease was confirmed after Dr conducted initial tests. This cancer affects tongue, lips, gums, cheeks or floor of the mouth of the patient.

Reports state that children start smoking bidi mostly at 8 years of age and consume smokeless tobacco at an age of 11.6 years, as per the GYTS report. These kids are seen consuming cigarettes, bidi, gutkha or paan masala and are becoming young victims of oral cancer. The signs of oral cancer include difficulty in opening the mouth, intolerance of spicy food, bad smell or halitosis, any ulcer in the oral cavity, lymph node swelling, difficulty in swallowing,and difficulty in speech. If any such symptoms are found, they should not be ignored.

People should learn to examine their oral cavity on a regular basis. They should take medical opinion if any such symptoms are noticed. This cancer forms in the oral cavity of patientโ€™s mouth and they can see it if they open their mouth wide and look in mirror. Once detected earlier, doctor can start treatment at early stage cheek mouth cancer. As per Dr life is very precious and one should not waste it by chewing tobacco or guthka due to which risk of getting oral cancer increases.
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