Sebaceous Gland Carcinoma (Eyelid Mass): Diagnosis & Treatment | Cutler Beard Eyelid Flap Surger


Every eyelid mass can be an eyelid cancer & needs to be viewed with suspicion. The commonest eyelid cancers are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, sebaceous gland carcinoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, etc. Initially, these eyelid masses can appear like benign eyelid swellings like chalazion & eyelid stye; but later these eyelid tumors can become aggressive and cause local tissue destruction & also metastasize to distant organs like the liver and the lung, thereby causing a threat to life.

In the Western population, basal cell cancer & squamous cell cancer are the most common eyelid cancers. But, in the Indian population, sebaceous cell carcinoma is also relatively more common. Sebaceous gland carcinomas are extremely aggressive eyelid skin cancers and cause a threat to life. Tumor needs to be removed by Mohs micrographic surgery, this is the best way to confirm cancer margin clearance. Frozen section biopsy can also be performed and histopathological examination of the removed eyelid mass performed. Post the tumour removal, additional chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment may be required.

Since sebaceous carcinomas arise from the sebaceous glands in the upper eyelid, they can involve the entire eyelid. Resultantly, the eyelid defect created from the tumor removal needs to be reconstructed using flap surgery. Reconstructive plastic surgery Flaps used to reconstruct eyelid defects include the Tenzel Flap, the Cutler Beard flap surgery, the Hughes tarso-conjunctival flap, the Mustarde's cheek rotation flap & other types of reconstruction flaps. The Cutler Beard flap surgery takes a lower eyelid bridge flap to correct the upper eyelid defect, in stage I surgery. Post the healing, in stage II surgery, the bridge flap is divided and the upper eyelid completely reconstructed.

Oculoplastic surgeons perform eyelid plastic & reconstructive surgery to repair the eyelid, post eye cancer removal. Oculoplastic surgeons are specially trained in reconstructive eyelid surgery & ocular oncology, so they are the best at treating eye cancers, eyelid tumors & reconstruct the eyelid and the face, post cancer removal. In this video, a patient from India, with a sebaceous gland cancer of the left upper eyelid, is treated with a Cutler Beard reconstruction flap (oculoplastic surgery), by top oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Debraj Shome. The patient did well post eyelid surgery and she has been cancer free over a ten year follow-up. Dr. Debraj Shome is amongst the best oculoplastic surgeons in the world and currently practices at multiple top hospitals in Mumbai, India.

For oculoplastic surgery consultations with top oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Debraj Shome, please write in to or call +91-9619610388.

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