Optometry Revision Tips: Basal cell and Squamous Cell Carcinomas


In this video, prof(med ret) BOptom (Hons) Mr Passi from Locumotive discusses the diagnosis of Basal cell and Squamous Cell Carcinomas. The video will review signs, symptoms, possible causes, and treatments.

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About This Video:
In this video Gautam prof(med ret) BOptom (Hons), discusses the diagnosis of Basal cell and Squamous Cell Carcinomas and the specifics of Basal cell and Squamous Cell Carcinomas. The summary discusses the skin cells affected, appearance, and management.

#Basal cell and Squamous Cell Carcinomas #eyecare #LocumotiveTalking through everything you need to know about Basal cell and Squamous Cell Carcinomas and how to manage patients within secondary care Optometry.

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