How Leukemia Effects The Body? | Symptoms, Causes and treatment (Urdu/Hindi)


Leukemia is a type of blood cancer, which occurs as a result of White Blood Cells accumulation, in large quantity. Leukemia cells do not make mass like other cancers. They instead spread to the blood, spleen, liver, and lymph nodes. And take up the space of normal blood cells, as a result, the number of normal blood cells decreases, which causes leukemia.
The exact cause of leukemia is unknown till now, However, it occurs as a result of DNA mutations in bone marrow cells. Stem cells are the cells in bone marrow that produce blood cells.
Blood cells includes WBCs RBCs and Platelets.
Mutations in stem cells can occur for a variety of reasons. Like exposure to radiations and chemicals
Or due to some type of viral infection. If the human body is exposed to radiation for an extended period of time. It causes DNA mutations in stem cells. This mutation causes a normal chromosome to become an abnormal chromosome. Which increase the chances of leukemia.
Beside this some chemicals like benzene can also make changes in DNA which can result in abnormal chromosomes. Which can cause leukemia. As a result, drinking water containing benzene is prohibited.
Beside this some viruses like human T cell leukemia Type 1 can cause infection in stem cells. These viruses disturbs the process of DNA folding in infected cells. Due to which mutation in DNA occurs which can lead to leukemia.
Symptoms and Treatment:
There is a higher chance of anaemia, blood infection, and bruising in leukaemia patients. Leukemia is treated with bone marrow transplants, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. In bone marrow transplant, normal stem cells are taken from blood, spleen, liver or bone marrow of healthy person. They are then given to leukemia patients. While in chemotherapy anti cancer drugs are given. And in radiation therapy, cancer cells are killed by radiations.

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