Eye and Eyelids Skin Cancer
Squamous Cell Carcinoma is a stype of a skin cncer that affects the skin of the eyelid and the eye. It is a very aggressive tumour and when treated on time can have a good outcome. Dr. Hamzah Mustak discusses this topic
What is the squamous cell carcinoma
Can it be prevented?
Who gets it?
How do you know that you have it?
Can it be treated?
What are the risks of delayed treatment?
Watch this full episode to ge empowered about this condition.
If you would like to get more information from Dr. Hamzah Mustak
Email: drmustak@atlanticeyecentre.co.za
Telephone: 0218794251
Website: https://atlanticeyecentre.co.za
Radiance Foundation: http://www.radiancelight.co.za
Social Media Platforms for Dr. Tebz Show
Instagram: drtebz
Production Team:JD Productions
Hair: Greatness..hair neatness
Stylist: Monique Adams
Make-up Dr. Tebz
Wardrobe: Dr. Tebz
All intellectual property, content, show concept is copyrighted and is the property of Liyana Media (PTY) LTD.
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