Diet to follow after colon resection surgery? - Dr. Rajasekhar M R
Colon is large intense which absorbs water from the liquid stools and make it semi solid or solid. When a small portion of colon is removed, it will be compensated, nothing will change and dietary changes will not be required much. If is little bigger, maybe the capacity to store the stools will be less and they will require to lessen the intake of fiber and if the whole colon is removed and the small intestine is directly brought out through the wound the abdomen, what is called as ileostomy, or if it is connected directly to the anala canal, what we call as ileoanal anastomosis, then lot of liquids tools will be coming, so patients should take more of solid sort of diet or dry type of diet rather more of liquids and then he may have to compensate the loss of liquids by taking more of oral fluids like water, electrolytes etc. Diet itself is more liquid, and he will be passing more stools. After the colon is removed not much of dietary changes will be required.
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