Can ayurvedic treatment cure Stage 3 Breast Cancer? - Dr. Chetali Samant


Ayurveda does help in the treatments of many cancer including stage 3 breast cancer. But there are no individual research evidences that states that ayurveda helps in treating completely stage 3 breast cancer for every patient. Whatever evidence we have is individual records or individual case studies which physicians have recorded or which patients have recorded. But as far as research goes consistently there are no records that ayurveda does help in every single case of stage 3 breast cancer. However ayurveda is extremely helpful when used alongside chemotherapy and radiotherapy as an adjuvant treatment. Ayurveda strengthens immune system and enhances bodyโ€™s cells to stop the growth and migration of cancer cells and killing the cancer cells. Certain ayurvedic herbs like bitter melon or green tea, majishta, guruchi etc are very effective to be used alongside the treatment of stage 3 breast cancer because they have a chemo-preventive action i.e. they reduce, retard and inhibit the growth and migration of cancer cells. Hence you can successfully use ayurveda alongside your modern therapy of stage 3 breast cancer but I wouldnโ€™t advice using ayurveda singlehandedly without adjuvant therapy side by side unless you consult an ayurvedic doctor who is expert in treating stage 3 breast cancer. Also there are several ayurvedic therapies or panchakarma which are used if a patient is very strong. These cleaning procedures like vaman, virechan when done in stage 3 breast cancer help a patient to rejuvenate all the tissues, have a very good strong immune system and have better outcomes of the treatment. However if the patient is weak ayurveda medicines can be used for rejuvenating tissues, strengthening the immune system and getting better outcomes. Alos if you are undergoing chemo and radiotherapy in stage 3 breast cancer do use ayurveda therapy after consulting physician so that the outcomes of the therapy are better. Also it is seen that using ayurvedic herbs and medicines alongside chemo and radiotherapy also reduces the side effects like nausea, vomiting and hair loss which are often experienced by people and enhances the quality of life.

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