Wigs and makeovers improve self-esteem of cancer patients in Kenya


(14 Mar 2023)



LENGTH: 6:35

Nairobi, Kenya - 6 March 2023

1. Various of hairdressers styling wigs in salon
2. Various of wigs on mannequins
3. Various of Diana Akech, salon owner, applying make up to cancer patient Grace Mumo
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Diana Akech, salon owner:
"I like to give them a second chance, like just trying to remind them how beautiful they are because sometimes it really affects their self esteem. So they know when they walk into this salon, they know they will come out feeling fabulous and looking fabulous."

5. Various of Akech fitting Mumo with wig
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Diana Akech, salon owner:
"Over the years I have dealt with about 700 women and I think so far we have lost about two, three hundred women. And it has not been easy because you tend to become very close with the survivors, you become friends. Then when you hear you have lost a survivor, it really breaks your heart and it is hard, it is really painful."

7. Various of hairdressers styling wigs on mannequins
8. Tilt down of Grace Mumo, a breast cancer patient looking at her phone
9. Various of Mumo looking at her pictures on her phone
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Grace Mumo, breast cancer patient:
"Before the treatment, I felt good when I would go to the salon, I felt like a complete woman. But when I lost my hair, I did not feel like going to a barber shop because I do not belong to that place. So when I come to the salon and have those wigs, I feel again like other women and I feel so comfortable and I feel like I belong to somewhere."

11. Various of Mumo after her makeover
12. Various of Ann Njoki, breast cancer patient, getting a facial makeover
13. SOUNDBITE (Kiswahili) Ann Njoki, breast cancer patient:
"When one loses their hair, they lose their friends too. They begin avoiding you because you have cancer. However when you get a proper makeover and you begin looking good, they acknowledge that you have regained your hair and that you have recovered. You then begin making friends again."

14. Various of Njoki getting a makeover

Nairobi, Kenya - 7 March 2023

15. Various of Sitna Mwanzi, oncologist, attending to a patient
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Sitna Mwanzi, medical oncologist
"Many and not all chemotherapy medications can lead to loss of hair, and you know many women think that hair is part of their beauty so there is a challenge of loss of hair sometimes the treatments can cause darkening of the skin and the darkening of your nails so that causes changes in the appearance which might make them lose their self esteem."

ARCHIVE: Nairobi, Kenya - 6 May 2022

17. Various of cancer patient undergoing treatment

Nairobi, Kenya - 7 March 2023

18. SOUNDBITE (English) Sitna Mwanzi, medical oncologist:
"Typically the hair will fall, not for all chemos (chemotherapy) but for many of them, will fall within four to six weeks of treatment, but once this chemotherapy treatment is completed, then the hair re-grows within a period of four to six months. So for patients who are on chemotherapy and they stop chemotherapy there is regrowth of their hair overtime, so it is not a permanent condition unless someone is continuing on chemotherapy because maybe the disease has not responded to treatment."

Nairobi, Kenya - 6 March 2023

19. Various of wigs on mannequins
20. Various of hair washing activity



Hairdressers at this salon are expertly styling a selection of wigs.

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