Top doctor chairs meeting on breast implant scandal, reax


(5 Jan 2012)
Paris, France - 5 January 2012
1. Various of France health department's second meeting on PIP (Poly Implant Prothese) implants
2. SOUNDBITE (French) Murielle Ajello, President of victims association, MDFPIP: (++SPEAKING BEFORE MEETING++)
"Why is it the media that's informing us about the constitution of the PIP gels? Why isn't there better help, as was announced? Why is this help merely a hotline number to find out where one can get surgery? We are out there in the field and it would be very interesting for us to be able to work in collaboration with authorities. That's what we've been trying to do all along."
3. Cutaway of Ajello speaking to media
4. SOUNDBITE (French) Murielle Ajello, President of victims association, MDFPIP:
"They are afraid. They are anxious and stressed out because every day they have received new information in a brutal way, information that sometimes hasn't been verified, and it's devastating for them."
5. Professor Dominique Maraninchi, French Director General of Health, speaking to media
6. SOUNDBITE (French) Dr Jean-Yves Grall, French Director General of Health:
"The total of PIP implants removed because of clinical signs, ruptures or signs of inflammation has reached five percent. It's a much higher rate than non-PIP implants. Secondly, two percent of the implants that were preventively removed were found to be rupturing during surgery to remove them."
7. Cutaway of Professor Dominique Maraninchi, Director general of France's health and safety agency, speaking to media
8. SOUNDBITE (French) Professor Dominique Maraninchi, Director general of France's health and safety agency:
"Luckily, the PIP phenomenon is an isolated one. It's awful for all the victims who were exposed. For us, it condones the decision we made in terms of health and safety which is, when in doubt, we have to remove these implants. We know that they contain poor quality gels. Thankfully, the other breast implants, we checked do not contain this kind of gel but we won't be able to ever trust the system again if we don't change the registration and follow-up procedures."
FILE: Paris, France - 21 December 2011
9. Various of man handling PIP breast implants
France's top doctor held a closed-door meeting with industry players and top health officials on Thursday to discuss a breast implant scandal involving a French company and affecting tens of thousands of women worldwide.
The implants, made by now-defunct French company Poly Implant Prothese (PIP), were pulled from the market last year in several countries in and beyond Europe due to fears they could rupture and leak silicone into the body.
France has recommended that the estimated 30-thousand women in France with the implants get them removed after more than a thousand ruptures, and have agreed to pay for the procedure.
Ahead of Thursday's meeting, Murielle Ajello, the president of victims association MDFPIP (Movement for the Defence of Women implants and prostheses), told reporters that more information should have been provided to victims.
"Why is it the media that's informing us about the constitution of the PIP gels? Why isn't there better help, as was announced? Why is this help merely a hotline number to find out where one can get surgery?" she said.
Ajello added that authorities are "anxious and stressed out because every day they have received new information in a brutal way."
Following the meeting, Jean-Yves Grall, France's Director General of Health, said the suspect PIP implants appear to be more rupture-prone than other types.
Almost 25-thousand of the implants were sold in Brazil.

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