The Story Behind KnittedKnockers org

The inspiring story of the Woman behind Her path from tragedy to triumph... to her vision of providing breast cancer survivors in her community and around the world with free Knitted Knockers.

For years this hand crafted, soft, and light weight alternative to a traditional breast prosthetic was only known about by a select few. After several dead-ends trying to find out more about them, how to make them, and how to use them... Barbara made it her mission to create a website that combined all the best research and resources on the topic. That mission has grown to a vision of sharing the Knitted Knocker idea with volunteer knitters, breast cancer survivors, and the medical professionals who treat them. Her dream is to spread the model of regional groups of kindhearted knitters sharing their time and talent to hand craft these beautiful works of art as free gifts of inspiration and compassion for breast cancer survivors everywhere.

Produced by Greg Otterholt for Hook & Pan Productions

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