The Best Advice on Diet and Cancer


What the best available balance of evidence says right now about what to eat and avoid to reduce your risk of cancer.

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The level of evidence required to make decisions depends on the level of risk. If we’re talking about some new drug, for example, given the fact that medications kill more than 100,000 Americans a year (Why Prevention Is Worth a Ton of Cure ( you want to be darn sure that the benefits outweigh the risks before you prescribe it (or take it!). But what level of evidence do you need to eat broccoli? Do you need randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trials? (How would you even design a placebo vegetable?) Even if all the evidence suggesting powerful broccoli turned out to be some crazy cruciferous conspiracy, what’s the worst that could have happened. It’s healthy anyway. That’s the beauty of safe, simple, side effect-free solutions provided by the lifestyle medicine approach. It can only help.

I’ve got tons more videos on diet and cancer. How Not to Die from Cancer ( may be a good place to start.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Image credit: Kristina DeMuth
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