Ruby Walvin | Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) | Spot Leukaemia

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"I began to feel quite fatigued, but I initially thought I was just run down from student life. I kept thinking that a pint would make me feel better, so I just pushed through. I was that pale I was almost see-through, and I began to have pains at the bottom of my leg like shin splints."💬

19-year-old Ruby had many of the classic signs of leukaemia before diagnosis, but it was assumed she had anaemia and was sent on her way to recover. However, Ruby didn’t recover. Trusting her gut, she took matters into her own hands and visited a walk-in clinic where her symptoms were recognised for what they were.

Now in remission from B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (B-ALL), Ruby is sharing her #SpotLeukaemia story:

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