Pancreatitis: Facts & Fiction Webinar Part 2 Fireside Chat


After receiving so many comments and questions at the "Pancreatitis: Facts & Fiction" webinar on April 1st, 2020, Ariel's team decided to assemble a fireside chat with some of our team members to discuss and unpack some of the answers to the most frequently asked questions about pancreatitis!

* Disclaimer * All information regarding pancreatitis and COVID-19 was up to date as of April 1st, 2020. Additional information may become available in the future as more data are gathered and more studies are performed.

Dr. Mark Haupt, Chief Medical Officer of Ariel Precision Medicine
Prof. David Whitcomb, MD, PhD, Co-Founder of Ariel Precision Medicine
Celeste Shelton, PhD, CGC, Variant Scientist at Ariel Precision Medicine
Katya Orlova, MS, MPH, CGC, Variant Scientist at Ariel Precision Medicine

00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:02 What factors are involved in establishing a pancreatitis diagnosis?
00:06:21 Can pancreatitis recur once the gallbladder is removed?
00:07:03 What role do Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction or pancreas divisum play?
00:10:02 What is autoimmune pancreatitis? Are there genetic factors that lead to autoimmune pancreatitis?
00:12:40 What role does fibrosis play in pancreatitis? How does the pancreas atrophy with age?
00:18:52 What role does the development of pancreatitis play in the development of pancreatic cancer (PDAC)?
00:23:39 What kinds of evaluations are available to assess risk of developing pancreatic cancer?
00:29:50 What is maldigestion? What is exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)? Can it be reversed?
00:35:58 How can the “jar” analogy illustrate complex disease?
00:40:26 Does having a variant involved in a specific disease mean you will get that disease?
00:42:10 How do multifactorial inheritance patterns affect risk for developing complex disease?
00:43:45 What is the role of genetics in hereditary or familial pancreatitis? Is there a difference between the two?
00:48:50 What level of risk does the average person have at age 70? Does family history matter in this context? Have social changes in smoking behavior influenced this change over the past two decades?
00:51:35 What is the relationship between PRSS1 and trypsin? What is trypsin and what role does it play in pancreatitis?
01:01:15 Why should a patient get genetic testing? How does it help? What can it show?
01:05:00 What is the role of CFTR in pancreatitis? If someone has a CFTR variant, does that mean they have cystic fibrosis (CF)? What should happen next if it is found that you have a variant in CFTR?
01:10:49 Are there any variants in CFTR that don’t result in an abnormal sweat chloride test result?
01:13:45 Can you restore the function of the pancreas? What is TPIAT and what role does it play in pancreatitis? What benefit may the procedure have? Who is indicated for the procedure?
01:16:28 What do we know about COVID-19 and the pancreas? Are there any risks specific to pancreatitis patients?
01:24:00 Disclaimer


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