Obstetrics 243 GESTATIONAL TROPHOBLASTIC DISEASES Placental tumor Hydatidiform Mole Choriocarcinoma
0:00 Introduction - Placenta is formed during pregnancy(normal or molar).
This retained Placenta can become Carcinoma.
4:44 Partial mole incomplete, 69 chromosomes, Missed abortion
7:20 Complete or Classic , 46 adrogenesis only paternal, Embryo dies early
10:20 Clinical features presentation symptoms
complete - uterus big but no fetus
partial - uterus small
12:30 Differential
Threatened abortion
Fibroid, Ovarian tumor
Multiple pregnancy
13:24 Complications of molar pregnancy
Pulmonary embolism
Hemorrhange, Sepsis - no protective membranes, Shock
14:45 Management
D&E (Dialation if needed) Suction Evacuation
Curettage if needed
Supportive - thyroid storm, IV infusion crystalloids, blood
Dont get pregnant 1 year
Monitor hCG till -ve
MAC - Methotrexate, Actinomycin, Cyclophosphomide
EMA-CO +Etoposide + Vincristine(OncoVin)
Hysterectomy if family complete
18:50 Classification of ChorioCarcinoma - Non Metastaic, Metastatic to brain, liver
19:50 Scheme of Management of Hydatidiform mole
Pathology https://youtu.be/KiBeYsNpNWw
Gestational ChorioCarcinoma https://youtu.be/Td3D9USqJ4s
Obstetrics https://youtu.be/zNrG5BKIjIA
GESTATIONAL TROPHOBLASTIC DISEASES GTD Hydatidiform mole Complete Partial Invasive mole Placental site tumor Choriocarcinoma
Vesicular Molar Pregnancy
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