MY OVARIAN CANCER STORY (A Christian's perspective)


All I wanted was to have a child or maybe two. I enjoyed my honeymoon year with my husband and after that, we planned to have a baby but because of family circumstances, we postponed our plans of trying to have a baby. Later on, we intentionally tried to get pregnant but after two years, we hadn't been successful. Because of that, I had myself checked by a general OBGYN. At first, he said that it seemed like there was nothing wrong. I ate right, exercised, was at the right weight, too, and didn't have any medical issues. An ultrasound was done there and then and they found a mass in my ovary and a fibroid. Again, the OBGYN was not too concerned but got all my bloodwork done at that moment, including a CA-125.

A few days later, the doctor called me to come in for a follow-up check up ASAP. On the day of check up, he said that it found it more appropriate to tell me in person that my CA-125 was around 1600 (where the normal is below 35) and I was referred to a specialist. At that time, I was paying out of pocket and the general OB's office helped me get approved for health insurance.

Within a month, I was at UCI with Dr. Tuwari's office. Because of my age, he wasn't worried about me having cancer even if my CA-125 was elevated but he had me get bloodwork done again to check my CA-125 again. A week or two after, I was told that my CA-125 went up to 1900 and at that moment, it became a concern. I was scheduled to have an ooperotomy to remove the left ovary and the fallopian tube. My first surgery was done and I thought it was over! No need to be concerned and I still had one ovary, fallopian tube and my uterus! But story was not over.

The next week, September 10, 2019, it was confirmed that I had Stage 2B ovarian cancer and all my reproductive organs had to be removed. In other words, no more baby. That's when it all got to me. You'll hear the rest of my story in the video.

But in the end, I say that the Lord is faithful. I'm alive and God still has a purpose for my life. I have yet to find out what exactly that is. For now, I get to serve as a mentor to the younger generation and help out in wherever I'm needed at my church and I get to do this Youtube channel.

Continue watching for more of my story. :)

Music: Blue Dream by Cheel

Camera Set-up:
Sony a6100 with 16-50mm kit lens -
Deity Lavalier Microphone -
Camera stand -
White Oriental Furniture 5-ft Tall Window Pane Shoji Screen -

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