My Cancer Journey 6 - Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer T4N2bM1


CyberKnife treatment done back in October, November 2020, chemotherapy and imunotherapy campaign completed by December 30th 2020 and another bowel resection done (although not successful) in January 2021.

We are now going to have radiotherapy on my pelvic region along with complimentary chemotherapy then another crack at getting more of my bowel out.

Significant dates:
26/10/2020 - CyberKnife treatment began
25/01/2021 - Stents placed in kidneys
28/01/2021 - Bowel resection, incomplete
08/03/2021 - Stents removed from kidneys
09/03/2021 - Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
10/03/2021 - ICON Cancer Centre assessment, fitting and machine marking tatoos
10/03/2021 - Oncology assessment, commence third chemo campaign
June, July 2021 - Bowel resection and permanent colostomy TBA

After all that.....? Who knows.

Apologies as there is a spelling mistake in the opening credits lol. I am going to leave it as it is not just a simple matter of doing a spell check :-)

Music and Sound Credits:
Star Wars Theme Song - John Williams,
Star Wars Sound FX -

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