Laser Vaporization of the Prostate


Laser Vaporization of the Prostate - FREE VIDEO OFFER
Patient Education, Patient Engagement & Informed Consent
Your doctor has recommended a procedure, laser vaporization of the prostate.

Before we talk about this procedure, let’s review some information about the prostate and your medical condition.
The prostate is located under the bladder and behind the penis.
It is a walnut-sized gland that is part of the male reproductive system. It helps to make semen.

The Urethra is a tube that carries both urine and semen to the penis. It passes through the prostate which surrounds it like a donut.

In some men the prostate gland becomes enlarged and blocks the bladder by squeezing or growing into the urethra BPH - or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is the most common reason for enlarged prostate in men over 50, it is not cancer, BPH can cause a blockage called BOO or Bladder Outlet Obstruction

Symptoms of prostate enlargement are:
incomplete bladder emptying, being unable to empty your bladder all of the way frequency, the need to urinate often intermittency, starting and stopping several times with urination urgency, feeling strongly that you “have to go” urine stream that Is weak, or dribbling straining to empty your bladder and, Nocturia or urinating frequently at night

Laser vaporization of the prostate is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that can relieve your symptoms by un-blocking the urethra.

Your surgeon uses an instrument with a light and camera, called a scope.

A laser at the tip is guided through the urethra to vaporize and destroy the prostate tissue that has grown inward to block the urine flow.

This is different from the classic, older surgical techniques that cut out or remove the extra prostate tissue.

Let’s talk about what happens during the laser vaporization procedure.

Patient Education, Patient Engagement & Informed Consent

To start, you are given general anesthesia to make you asleep, and pain-free during the procedure.

You are positioned carefully.
An instrument with a light and camera, called a scope, is then gently inserted into the urethra.

A numbing gel is used to help the scope glide easily.
The surgeon is able to reach the prostate and see the tissue causing the blockage.

Your doctor uses a laser thru the scope to vaporize and destroy excess tissue from the prostate, clearing the blockage.
When the surgery is complete, the scope is removed.

Your surgeon may place a Foley catheter to help drain your urine for a few days.

A Foley catheter is a thin tube inserted through your urethra and into your bladder. The tube will keep your bladder empty to allow you to heal and feel more comfortable. The foley is easily removed a few days after the procedure. The balloon is deflated and the tube simply slides out.

Patient Education, Patient Engagement & Informed Consent

The major advantage of Laser Vaporization is less risk of bleeding complication than with other procedures for BPH that remove part or all of the prostate.
The Disadvantage of laser vaporization, is the prostate tissue is destroyed, nothing is removed to be able to test for cancer.

The older, classic procedure called a TURP, can test for cancer but has a greater risk of bleeding complication
Be sure to discuss with your surgeon why this method has been recommended for you.

This procedure is usually done as an outpatient, which means that you may not have to stay overnight in the hospital. You will most likely be sent home with a Foley catheter for a few days.

After prostate surgery some men will feel better quickly, often it can take much longer. There will be some blood in your urine right after surgery and you will have some pain. It may take a few days or weeks until you can urinate without pain or difficulty.

Urinary Retention and Urinary tract infection can happen, Call your doctor if you: cannot urinate, have a fever, worsening pain or bright red bleeding that doesn’t stop

Scarring to delicate nerves and tissue can cause lasting changes after prostate surgery, including Erectile dysfunction, for 1 percent, or 1 in 100 men, will have ED or some trouble with their erections after laser vaporization Incontinence or leaking urine for about 5 percent or 5 in 100 men
and most men will notice less semen or may have a dry ejaculation

To avoid cancellation or complications from anesthesia or your procedure, your Job as the Patient is to-

Not eat or drink anything after midnight, the night before surgery, not even a stick of gum

Take only medications you were told to on the morning of surgery with a sip of water...MORE

Patient Education, Patient Engagement & Informed Consent

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