How to overcome the fear of Ostomy surgery | Cancer motivation Video in English | Indian Ostomy Boy


This is me Jaichand Ghantelwal, who suffered from Colorectal cancer in 2013 when I was just 19 years old and had to go through major surgery. This video is a Cancer motivation video that will teach that life does not end with cancer, Cancer is just a disease. I have just tried to share my story of how I have survived from 3rd stage colon cancer or colorectal cancer.

I was diagnosed with colon cancer and got my treatment in Prince Ali Khan Hospital in Mumbai under the supervision of the Best Cancer Oncologist doctor Sultan Pradhan. Sultan Pradhan is one of the most respected oncologists (Cancer doctor Surgeon ). There are a lot of Cancer Hospital in Mumbai and Tata memorial in Mumbai is also one of the best Government Hospital especially for Cancer patient.

If you want to go to Tata memorial hospital you can either go from Dadar or step down from Prabhadevi Railway Station earlier this railway station was also known as Elphinstone Road Railways. From Elphinstone road railway station this Hospital is hardly 15 min away from walking.

Address :

Tata Memorial Hospital
Dr. E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012

If you want to go to Prince Ali Khan Hospital which in Mumbai, firstly you have to set up down on Mumbai Central Railway, then by taxi you can ask them to take you to the Majgaon area. After reaching Majgaon tell the taxi driver to take you to Prince Ali Khan hospital which well-known hospital in this area. Below is the Actual address of Prince Ali Khan.

Address :

Prince Ali Khan Hospital
Aga Hall, Nesbit Rd, Tara Bagh, Mazagon, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400010
Tel : 02223777800

Colon cancer
A cancer of the colon or rectum, located at the digestive tract's lower end.
Cancer cells do not die at the natural point in a cell's life cycle. Cancer is a broad term. It describes the disease that results when cellular changes cause the uncontrolled growth and division of cells. Some types of cancer cause rapid cell growth, while others cause cells to grow and divide at a slower rate

Signs and symptoms of colon cancer which I suffered and are the most common one include:

A persistent change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool
Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool
Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain
A feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely
Weakness or fatigue
Unexplained weight loss

Hello, guys if you need any help related to cancer and any guidelines. Please free to call me any time below are my contact details

Contact: 7208604660 (No calls only WhatsApp )
My Cancer Biopsy Report:

This video will cover the following topic

1.Cancer motivation Video in Hindi
2.Cancer motivation speech in Hindi
3.Cancer survivor motivational speech



German Translation :


Das bin ich Jaichand Ghantelwal, die 2013 im Alter von 19 Jahren an Darmkrebs erkrankte und sich einer großen Operation unterziehen musste. Dieses Video ist ein Krebs-Motivationsvideo, das lehrt, dass das Leben nicht mit Krebs endet, Krebs ist nur eine Krankheit. Ich habe gerade versucht, meine Geschichte zu erzählen, wie ich von Dickdarmkrebs im dritten Stadium oder Dickdarmkrebs überlebt habe.

Bei mir wurde Darmkrebs diagnostiziert und ich wurde im Prince Ali Khan Hospital in Mumbai unter der Aufsicht des besten Krebsonkologen, Arztes Sultan Pradhan, behandelt. Sultan Pradhan ist einer der angesehensten Onkologen (Krebsarzt Surgeon). Es gibt viele Krebskrankenhäuser in Mumbai und das Tata Memorial in Mumbai ist auch eines der besten Regierungskrankenhäuser speziell für Krebspatienten.

Wenn Sie zum Tata Memorial Hospital gehen möchten, können Sie entweder von Dadar aus gehen oder vom Bahnhof Prabhadevi absteigen, der früher auch als Elphinstone Road Railways bekannt war. Vom Bahnhof Elphinstone Road ist dieses Krankenhaus kaum 15 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt.

Kontakt: +917208604660 (Keine Anrufe nur WhatsApp)
Mein Krebsbiopsiebericht:

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