「GBCC Pre-season EP05」Fertility Preservation, Pregnancy and Delivery in Young Breast Cancer Patients


GBCC 10 의 발표내용을 미리 볼 수 있는 ‘GBCC 10 Pre-season’ 5편 공개!

다가오는 GBCC 10의 둘째 날 세션인, [Education Session 8: Issues in Very Young Breast Cancer Patients] 에서 ‘How to Handle Issues on Fertility Preservation and Pregnancy’을 주제로 발표를 진행하실 Olivia Pagani (Hôpital Riviera-Chablais, Switzerland) 선생님을 모셨습니다.
[Fertility Preservation, Pregnancy and Delivery in Young Breast Cancer Patients]을 주제로 가톨릭대학교 서울성모병원 유방외과 유태경 선생님과 함께한 영상을 지금 바로 확인하세요!

▶ GBCC 10 Program at a Glance 확인하기(http://gbcc.kr/Contents.asp?LoadPage=ProgramataGlance&PTABLE_Date=D2)

The 5th video of ‘GBCC 10 Pre-season’ is now out. Don’t miss this informative video clip where you can get a glimpse into one of the lectures that will be given at GBCC 10.

We have invited Prof. Olivia Pagani of Hôpital Riviera-Chablais, who will give a lecture at [Education Session 8: Issues in Very Young Breast Cancer Patients] to be held on the second day of GBCC 10.

Check out the video on the topic [Fertility Preservation, Pregnancy and Delivery in Young Breast Cancer Patients], which is hosted by Dr. Tae-Kyung Robyn Yoo of The Catholic Univ. of Korea, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital.

▶ Go to GBCC 10 Program at a Glance (http://gbcc.kr/Contents.asp?LoadPage=ProgramataGlance&PTABLE_Date=D2)

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00:14 Topic. Fertility Preservation, Pregnancy and Delivery in Young Breast Cancer Patients

1:48 Q. Could you briefly introduce the POSITIVE trial and it's protocol?

6:37 Q. When do you expect to have any preliminary results for the POSITIVE trial?

10:17 Q. Would you think an IVF procedure will affect the patient’s prognosis regarding breast cancer? And also, during the procedure, how many times do you think it will be possible to get an IVF procedure?

12:28 Q. Do you think postponing breast cancer treatment for oocyte or embryo cryopreservation would be needed for young age breast cancer patients?

13:05 Q. When hormone treatment is interrupted for pregnancy, how many times would you recommend to the patient to have an IVF procedure before resuming endocrine therapy?

15:02 Q. Do you have any trouble in resuming endocrine therapy after the patient has tried to get pregnant or after childbirth?

16:03 Q. After childbirth or after trying pregnancy, when you resume endocrine therapy, would you consider this treatment still an adjuvant treatment, or maybe a chemo-preventive treatment?

16:28 Q. Do you think that TNBC or HR(-)HER2(+) patients won’t be affected by pregnancy or IVF procedures?

18:46 Q. Do you think that Triple-negative or HER2-positive breast cancer patients would have protective effect in pregnancy that you mentioned before?

20:27 Q. Do you have any experience regarding recurrence during treatment interruption for pregnancy?

24:20 Q. Would you have a message you would like to pass on to the audience about young-aged breast cancer patients and fertility preservation and pregnancy in them?

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