Deadly Cancer-Causing FOODS That You Should Avoid Right Now!! @BestieHealth


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Cancer-Causing FOODS That You Should Avoid Right Now!! @Bestie
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Cancer-causing foods.
-Processed meat
-fried foods
-Dairy products
-artificial sweeteners
-Processed, pickled, or salty foods
-Burnt or grilled foods

Are there foods that reduce the risk of cancer?
-vegetables and fruits
-fatty fish
-olive oil
-High-fiber foods
-Nuts and seeds

How can the risk of cancer be reduced?
1. Increasing physical activity.: Physical activity can reduce the risk of cancer, by helping to control weight,- and it can also help improve hormone levels, and the way the immune system works.
2. Maintaining a healthy weight.: Being overweight or obese, may increase your risk of developing a number of cancers. Including: cancer of the colon, breast , prostate, pancreas, endometrium, kidneys, gallbladder, esophagus, and ovaries.
3. Avoid exposure to industrial and environmental toxins.: such as asbestos fibers, benzene, aromatic amines, and polychlorinated biphenyls.
4. Sleeping enough hours.: Not getting enough hours of sleep may lead to weight gain. It is a risk factor for cancer.
5. Stop smoking.: It is worth noting that, people who quit smoking regardless of their age,; They live longer than those who continue to smoke. Quitting reduces the risk of cancer of the lung, larynx, esophagus, mouth, pancreas, bladder, and cervix. There are more than 4,000 chemical compounds, and 43 different carcinogens in nicotine. It is also advised, not to sit Close up of smokers.
6. Reducing salt use.: As mentioned previously, processed, smoked, and nitrite-preserved foods, should be avoided. as it has been shown that consuming large quantities of these products, may lead to high rates of stomach and esophageal cancer .

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