Cancer Causing Foods You Should Avoid


Cancer Causing Foods You Should Avoid
Cancer rates are getting higher all around the world, as more, and more people are suffering with this disease.

This has been linked to eating unhealthy foods for a number of years, as well as having an unhealthy life style.

In order to reduce the risk of cancer, you should stop eating these foods, as much as possible, and replace them with healthy fruits, seeds, herbs and vegetables.

The following list of foods should be avoided, especially later in life, as the risk of cancer increases with age.

Processed Red Meat,

Foods such as salami, bacon, ham and minced beef, pork, or lamb increase the risk of bowel, stomach, and pancreatic cancer.

This happens because of the preservatives, such as sodium nitrates, and excessive salts which are added.

Hydrogenated Oils,

Cheap varieties of oils found in supermarkets contain high a mounts of omega 6, which is not healthy for your body.

Be sure to switch to healthy extra virgin oils, such as coconut, olive, avocado or flaxseed.

Microwave Popcorn,

This has been linked to lung cancer due to the diacetyl contained within the artificial butter, and a chemical called PFOA, which is used to line the bags.

These chemicals are both toxic to humans.

Canned Foods,

These are an excellent way of preserving food.

However, the cans are often lined with BPA.

This is a toxic chemical, which can leech into the foods, including baby foods.


Foods high in white flour, such as bread, and pastries contain large amounts of starchy carbohydrates.

This slows the body’s digestion process, and over time can cause weight gain, and increased risk of cancer.

Potato Chips,

Also known as crisps, these contain acrylamide.

This is a carcinogen, which can increase the risk of cancer, and neurological disorders.

It is also found in cigarettes.

Refined Sugar,

High amounts of sugar in your diet, spikes your insulin levels, and can cause not only cancer, but diabetes, and a host of other infections, such as candida fungal overgrowth in the bowels.

Ice Cream,

Eating too much ice cream, and dairy products causes lots of inflammation in the body.

This may cause you to get colds very often, and lower your immune response, making it harder to stay healthy, and cancer free.

Pickled foods,

These have been shown to increase the risk of colon cancer, because of the food additives, which are contained within.

They can also increase the growth of existing tumours, because of the nitrates that are found inside.

It can be very easy to fall into the habit of eating foods, such as these on a daily basis.

In order to work around this, begin to switch foods to healthy alternatives.

Fresh raw foods are always healthier to eat, as the body naturally knows how to process these properly.

It is recommend eating lots of fresh berries on a regular basis, such as blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries e.t.c.

These contain high amounts of antioxidants, which fight the cause of cancer.

Leafy greens such a Kale, Spinach, Turnip Greens, Beetroot Greens, Romaine lettuce and others, are all extremely healthy, and will work to reduce the risk of cancer significantly.

Also try to drink green tea often.

This contains catechins which prevent free radicals from damaging cells.

If you do not like the taste, add some lemon, peppermint, or berries to enhance the flavour.

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