Can m****aging or any diet prevent Breast Cancer? - Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh
M****aging does not prevent breast cancer. Breast receives blood supply from the underlying muscles. If the muscles are in healthy condition with good exercise and good relaxed muscles with no pain in the muscles, the breast is known to receive good blood supply form the muscles can improve the immune system of the breast. But as such m****age form the breast does not prevent breast cancer. Second thing is diet. Yes. Diet can prevent breast cancer. The reason is the breast cancer is totally dependent on the hormones in the body. Also it is dependent in the inflammation in the breast. It is also dependent on the circulation and the circulating system or the immune system of the body itself. As you know the hormones immune system of the body, inflammation and infection is related to any part of the breast. So it can apply to breast to a great extent. So I would day an individual is on a very good antioxidant diet, lots of vegetables and fruits or organic foods, preventing use of chemicals in the foods, preservatives in the foods, there is no toxin deposition in the breast and hormones will be good and breast cancer can definitely be prevented by this.
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