Bone Cancer - 7 Warning Signs


Bone Cancer - 7 Warning Signs

The following is a general list of the most prominent bone cancer warning signs, covering several different bone cancer types.

1. Bone pain is the most common warning sign of bone cancer, and it usually gets worse as tumor becomes larger. You may experience a dull or deep ache in a bone or bone region like back, pelvis, legs, ribs, arms. This discomfort may occur only at night in the early stages. As time goes by, the pain may become more persistent.

2. Swelling is common in area where you feel the pain. A lump or mass may be appear.

3. Fractures become more common, especially where the pain or swelling occurs, as cancerous cells weaken bone strength and durability.

4. Decreased mobility is likely if the tumor is located near a joint, making normal bending or movements difficult or painful.

5. Unintended weight loss is a typical symptom of many forms of cancer

6. Fatigue that accompanies bone pain may be another warning sign.

7. Difficulty breathing is likely if the cancer has spread to other organs.

As previously stated, there are several types of bone cancer. A primary bone tumor, known as a sarcoma, begins in the bone the bone itself. Other types spread to the bones from elsewhere in the body. Another type, known as multiple myeloma, starts in the blood forming cells of the bone marrow.

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