Basic & Advance Suturing Techniques for Trainee Part 1/8. #surgicaltraining #surgerytrainees


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Dear Friends!
Video 1/8 – Introduction and basic setup for surgery trainees.
Suturing is a fundamental skill that every surgical trainee must master. It involves the meticulous closure of wounds using various suturing techniques. Here's a brief overview of some commonly used suturing techniques for trainees:
Interrupted Sutures: This technique involves placing individual stitches to close the wound. Each stitch is tied independently, providing excellent wound edge approximation. Interrupted sutures are versatile and suitable for a wide range of wound types and sizes.
Mattress Sutures: These sutures are used when additional eversion or deep tissue approximation is desired. The stitch passes through the wound edge, goes deeper into the tissue, emerges on the opposite side, and then re-enters the tissue before exiting the skin again. Mattress sutures are useful for wound edge alignment and providing extra support.
Simple Continuous Sutures: This technique is similar to running sutures but uses individual knots at regular intervals along the wound. It provides a continuous closure while allowing for flexibility in case of suture breakage or removal. Simple continuous sutures are often used in long incisions or when there is a need for controlled tension distribution.
It's important for trainees to familiarize themselves with these suturing techniques, understand their indications and limitations, and practice under the guidance of experienced surgeons. Mastery of suturing techniques requires patience, precision, and attention to detail, which can be attained through consistent practice and learning from feedback.
Remember, suturing is not just about closing wounds; it contributes to optimal wound healing, minimizing scarring, and achieving good functional and cosmetic outcomes. So, embrace the learning process, seek opportunities for practice, and develop the dexterity and skill necessary to become a proficient surgeon in the art of suturing.
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The information shared in this video tutorial is meant for general education and information only and is not a substitute for expert opinion. The cases shown here are for discussion and demonstration only and may not match the real-life scenario. Some parts of surgery may have been modified for the interest of demonstration. Before making any decision, viewers should take advice from experts and refer to the official Govt websites, standard medical journals, and books. No one should start or stop any treatment based on the knowledge available on the internet, YouTube, Google, etc. Always consult the experts and take proper advice for any doubts or clarifications. Also, viewers are requested to keep updated on local developments in their area and follow local authorities’ guidelines. Stay Informed, Stay Healthy.
Happy Learning! Thanks & Regards.
Sincerely Yours,
Dr Strange MCh (HPB & GISx) & Team.

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