Anal Cancer | Best Oncologist in Kolkata | Best Radiation Oncologist in Kolkata
What is anal cancer?
The anus is the opening of the rectum (last part of the large bowel) to the outside of the body. Anal cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the anus. Most common cancer of anal canal is squamous cell cancer.
How common is anal cancer in India?
According to GLOBOCON data 2020, there were 5452 new cases of anal cancer in India in 2020 with 2776 death.
What are the risk factors anal cancer?
1. Persitent genital warts in women can cause anal cancer
2. Men with anal cancer are more likely to be single, to have had homosexual relationships, to have practiced anal receptive intercourse or to have sexually transmitted diseases.
3. Sexually transmitted agent implicated in anal cancer is HPV particularly HPV 16 and 18.
4. Other factors include-
• Having multiple sexual partners
• Having other sexually transmitted disease
• Immunosuppression for organ transplantation
What are the stages of anal cancer?
Based on size or extent of tumour(T), spread to lymph nodes (N) and spread to distant organ (M) anal cancer can broadly be divided into four stages- stage I-IV.
What are the symptoms of anal cancer?
1. Lump or mass at anus
2. Bleeding while passing stool
3. Abnormal discharge while passing stool
4. Anal discomfort.
What are the investigations done in a patient of anal cancer?
1. History taking and clinical examination
2. Biopsy from the tumour
3. FNAC from suspected groin node
4. Routine blood test
5. HIV test
6. MRI Pelvis
7. CT Chest, abdomen and pelvis
8. Whole body PET-CT scan
How anal cancer is treated?
Treatment of anal cancer depends on many factors including age, fitness of patient, medical co-morbidities, stage of the patient, patient’s choice, HIV status of the patient. The primary treatment for stage I-III anal cancer is radiotherapy and concurrent chemotherapy. Surgery is rarely used in this cancer now days except for recurrent disease or failure about chemo-radiotherapy. When radiotherapy is contemplated; Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) including Volumetric arc therapy (VMAT), reduces the radiation dose to surrounding normal structure like small bowel, bladder, pelvic bone and femoral head. These techniques has been shown to reduce the risk of side effects compared to traditional form of radiotherapy. Stage IV lung cancer is usually incurable and usually treated with palliative chemotherapy and palliative radiotherapy. Patient with co-existing HIV needs to be treated with HIV as well.
What is the prognosis of anal cancer?
Stage I-III anal cancer can be cured with available treatment. Stage IV anal cancer cannot be cured. The aim of treatment at this stage is to try to control cancer, try to control symptoms from cancer, try to improve the quality and quantity of life of the patients.
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