A Bump on the Head - An Unusual Presentation of Extraosseus Ewing Sarcoma in a 3-month-old Male


A Bump on the Head - An Unusual Presentation of Extraosseus Ewing Sarcoma in a 3-month-old Male

T Dao MD†, T Beydoun DO†, P Cornejo MD†, S Taylor PA‡, D Carpentieri MD‡, M Patel MD†

Department of Medical Imaging†, Department of Pathology‡
Phoenix Children's Hospital
Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Extraosseus Ewing sarcoma arising in the head and neck is extremely rare, and even more rare in the neonatal period. We present a case of extraosseus Ewing sarcoma involving the right eyelid in a 3-month-old male with a progressively enlarging mass involving the right forehead that was present since 2 weeks of age. The mass was initially thought to be a hemangioma and treated as such, but did not respond to propranolol and steroid treatment. Excisional biopsy was performed and pathology demonstrated Ewing sarcoma. Extraosseus Ewing sarcoma is a rare entity in the neonatal population and should be included in the differential diagnosis of head and neck soft tissue masses despite patient age.


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