4 Yoga Asanas to Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer | Very Important | स्तन कैंसर बचाव | S-VYASA YIC Cert.


In 2019, approx. 2,68,600 cases of invasive breast cancer were reported among women while those diagnosed in men amounted to 2,670. Hence, it is important to practice these Yoga asanas to keep the risk of developing breast cancer at bay. How to do Bridge Pose, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana and Paschimottasana. #breastcancer #preventcancer #womenyoga

1. Bridge Pose- Lie on the mat with your back on the floor. Draw your feet inwards towards the hips. Your feet should be parallel to each other. Knees should not be pointing outwards. Now lift yourself up with your stomach going towards the ceiling along with your back, hip and thighs. Chin and chest should be locked. You can either keep your hands sideways or engage them in supporting your back. You can also clasp them under your back and stretch. Inhale while going up, hold, exhale while coming down. Breathe normally in case you are holding the pose for long.

2. Dhanurasana- Lie down on your stomach, keep your feet slightly apart and almost parallel to your hips while placing your arms on the side of your body. Slowly, fold your knees up and raise your hands backwards to hold your ankles. Inhale, lift your chest off the ground, pull your legs up and stretch it out while feeling the tension on your arms and thighs. Breathe deeply and hold onto the pose for 12-15 seconds before bringing your chest and legs back to the ground slowly.

3. Chakrasana- Lie down on your back and fold your legs at your knees to ensure that your soles are placed firmly on the floor and closer to your buttocks. Keep your feet hip-width apart and your palms facing the sky. Inhale, balance your weight on your limbs and lift your entire body up to form an arch. Relax your neck keeping it long and allow your head to hang gently behind. Hold onto the pose for as long as you are comfortable and then release by bending your arms, legs and gently lowering your back on the ground. Lie down in Shavasana for a few minutes before resuming.

4. Paschimottanasana- Begin with Dandasana and place a strap around the feet while grasping them by the hands if the back is stiff. Ensure that your knees are slightly bent and legs stretched out forward. Then inhale and extend your arms straight out to the sides and up over your head, reaching toward the ceiling while keeping your spine erect. As you exhale and empty your stomach of air, begin to come forward by hinging at your hips and place your upper body on your lower body. Lower your arms, grip your big toes with your fingers and try to touch your knees with your nose. Remember to lengthen your spine on each inhale and deepen into your forward bend on each exhale.

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