10 Cancer Causing Foods That You Should Not Eat | Amazing Foods TV


10 Cancer Causing Foods That You Should Not Eat | Amazing Foods TV

So what is the most unhealthy foods and their effects? Certain lifestyle factors can significantly affect the risk of developing cancer, and so can some of our food choices. There have been many studies 'proving' that certain vegetables can cause cancer and even claims pointing the finger at the humble lettuce. Now I'm not sure about you, but if a salad can cause cancer, my entire life may as well be a lie.
Such claims can make it really difficult to make conscious food choices and differentiate between the good and the bad.
That is precisely why we have put together this list of amazing facts about junk food potentially cancer causing foods, all of which are based in indefinite fact.
what are the top 10 worst foods to eat?
If you start your day with cereal, cook with canola oil or enjoy sinking your teeth into cobs of corn, then the chances are that you are also chowing down on bucket loads of genetically modified foods.
GMOs are plants and animals that have been altered in any way by embedding genes from one species into another, a practice commonly known as gene splicing.
Splicing can make plants resistant to stronger pesticides, hardier in lousy weather conditions, and can also increase crop yields. Think jacked up, roid-raging superfoods, and definitely not in a good way.
All of this is great for farmers and giant corporations, but maybe not so great for our wellbeing. To stay clear of genetically modified amazing unhealthy foods, always chose organic, GMO-free vegetables and meat that has been strictly grass-fed.

Interesting facts about food production. Smoked sausage, lunch meats, and bacon. Like many people, bacon might just be my weakness, but don't let the salty mouth-watering deliciousness of these deli sweethearts seduce you with their puppy dog eyes.
Processed meats are vessels of saturated fat, salt, and cholesterol, all at the ready and eager to sink your ship.
Bacon, hotdogs, and salami are all listed as class 1 carcinogens; which puts them in the same realm as tobacco, meaning that they cause cancer, period.
Pack of cigarettes or frankfurter with ketchup? Pick your poison.
The nitrates and salt found in processed meats are the main cancer-causing culprits, while these may keep the meat fresh and tasty, they are also chewing up your insides and spitting the remains to potentially cancerous cells.

Movie snack or health horror! Microwave popcorn might seem innocent with its fluffed-up appearance and subtle crunch, but these can be laced with chemicals that are devastating for testicular health.
Not only can these chemicals found in microwave popcorn stop your swimmers from performing, they can also lead to testicular, prostate, and pancreatic cancer.

Sugars, artificial sweeteners, colors, flavorings, the ingredients list on this soda can is not looking too great!
It's no secret that cans of soda are not the healthiest drinks to be sipping on regularly, but besides racking up my dental bill, how bad really are they?
Fizzy drinks are filled with a long list of crazy substances that I can't even read. Luckily some super bright scientists can, and they say that all that gobbledygook essentially translates to an acidic body.
Having an acidic body PH has been directly linked to providing the perfect environment for cancer cells to grow. It can also encourage the cancerous mutation of common skin tags such as moles. Anything that is labeled as a 'health food' or diet alternative is usually going to be laced with hidden chemicals that are known to promote cancer in the body.
The problem with the little poppers are not the kernels themselves, but the lining of the bags that they come in.

These are just some of the foods with amazing unhealthy benefits of the world, here are a few more. Breast cancer and white flour don't mix well. White flours that make up the outskirts of your PB&J, can be a serious cause for concern. Regularly eating processed carbohydrates, white flours included, has been found to potentially increase the risk of breast cancer by 220%. This is because refined carbs have a high Glycemic index, they spike blood sugar levels and decrease the body's sensitivity to insulin.
Similar to processed flours, refined sugars also have an incredibly high glycemic index.

10 Cancer Causing Foods,
Foods That You Should Not Eat,
cancer causing foods,
unhealthy foods and their effects,
amazing facts about junk food,
amazing unhealthy foods,
what are the top 10 worst foods to eat,
foods with amazing unhealthy benefits,
breast cancer and white flour,
interesting facts about food production,

#unhealthy foods and their effects,

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