โœ… Laparoscopic ovarian cyst removal. Dr. Lucas Minig. Gynecologic Oncologist. Valencia, Spain


โœ… Expert gynecologist on laparoscopic surgery of ovarian cyst in Valencia, Spain.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Not all patients with ovarian cysts will need surgery, but if it is the case, we can do it by a minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery in almost 100% of the patients.
Benefits from this are a lower level of pain, a shorter hospital stay, and a much more efficient and quick reintegration to daily activity.

โœจ๏ธ Dr. Lucas Minig and his multidisciplinary team. He is specialized in high complexity surgeries for gynecological cancer and minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery
๐Ÿ“ Valencia, Spain.

๐Ÿ”” drlucasminig.com
Appointment for second opinion.

Second Medical Opinion
โ˜Ž๏ธ (Phone & WhatsApp)+34 679 112 179

โ–ท More information about Dr. Lucas Minig:

โ–ท More information about laparoscopic and robotic surgery with Dr. Lucas Minig and his Team:

โ–ท More information regarding postoperative recomendaciรณn after surgery with Dr. Lucas Minig and his Team:

โ–ท More information regarding surgical citoreduction in women with peritoneal carcinomatosis for advanced ovarian cancer with Dr. Lucas Minig and his Team:

โ–ท More information regarding laparoscopic treatment for endometriosis with Dr. Lucas Minig and his Team:

โ–ท More information regarding laparoscopic hysterectomy with Dr. Lucas Minig and his Team:

โ–ท More information regarding laparoscopic myomectomy with Dr. Lucas Minig and his Team:

โœ… The ovarian cysts are cavities within the ovarian tissue and can vary both in their content which can be solid, cystic, or mixed, in size ranging from a few millimeters to 20 or 30 centimeters in certain extreme circumstances, and can also vary obviously to their nature, benign cysts or malignant cysts.

โœ… Nowadays for those women who need surgical treatment of ovarian cysts, we treat it by using minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery in almost 100% of cases. Carried out through small incisions rather than a large incision.

โœ… Here you can see the uterus in the center of the image with the ovaries and tubes on either side, in this specific case with a cyst of about 7 centimeters on the left ovary. What we do first is to incise the surface of the ovary very carefully to avoid rupture of the cyst.
Although always relevant, it is even more important when operating on a woman with a prior suspicion that the cyst can be malignant.

โœ… The next step is to separate the cyst from the surface of the ovary. Here, we have the ovarian cyst on one side in the lower part of the image and on the other side, the surface of the ovarian tissue in the upper part.

โœ… As you can, see both structures can generally be distinguished quite easily, here obviously the movements need to be very precise and cautious not only to reduce the risk of rupture of the cyst but also to reduce the contact with the healthy ovarian tissue and thus avoid the loss of the ovarian reserve and the quality of the oocytes.

โœ… Here again, it can be seen how with very precise movements the healthy ovarian tissues are progressively separated from the cyst. Again, the purpose is to avoid bleeding,
the trauma of the healthy ovary and obviously the rupture of the cyst.

โœ… Here you can see the cyst in the upper part of the image almost separated from the healthy ovarian tissue in the lower part. Finally, the remaining ovarian tissue in the patient is carefully checked to confirm that there is no bleeding and obviously avoid the surgical complication of postoperative bleeding.

โœ… And finally, this bag is extracted from the body through the same umbilical orifice.
The cyst already inside the bag is punctured to absorb its content which usually is liquid and then the bag is removed from the patient's body and sent for final analysis to pathologists to confirm whether it is a benign or malignant cyst.

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