Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor #shorts


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Gastrointestinal stromal tumor or GIST is a cluster of overgrown cells or tumors that occur mainly in the gastrointestinal tract. These tumors usually grow mainly from the specialized cells found in the gastrointestinal tract. It is also called interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) or precursors to these cells. Adults between the age of 40 and 70 get GISTs. It rarely occurs in children as well as young adults. These tumors in the gastrointestinal tract can usually be cancerous (i.e., malignant), or at times it is noncancerous (i.e., benign). Gastrointestinal stromal tumors usually start in specialized nerve cells located mainly in the digestive system walls. These nerve cells in the digestive system are part of the autonomic nervous system. A small change in one of these cellsโ€™ DNA that controls the digestive processes, especially the movement of food mainly through the intestines, can give rise to GIST.

How are gastrointestinal tumors treated?
There are several options available for the treatment of GISTs. Based on the size of the tumor, its location, staging of the tumor, and the result of lab values, the doctor will suggest the treatment options to the patient. A few of the treatment options are listed below:

Symptomatic GISTs are removed through surgery unless and until it is not too large or, in certain cases, it does not involve other organs.
These tumors can also be resected by minimally invasive surgery where the doctor inserts a tube along with a camera or laparoscopy by making an incision in the abdomen.
Targeted drug therapy- during this treatment, they focus on specific chemicals present within the cancer cells. By blocking these chemicals, the targeted drug treatment can cause cancer cells to die. The most commonly used drug is Imatinib or Gleevec. This treatment option can be used before or after the surgery or as a first-line treatment in conditions where cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
Tyrosine kinase which is a type of enzyme that can help stop cancer cells grow for GISTs.
The doctor might also recommend certain other drugs that can also target tyrosine kinase if GI stromal tumor does not actually respond to imatinib over time.
The patient is advised to have a regular follow-up with the doctor to monitor the prognosis of the tumor. Medications will be provided to stop the GI stromal tumor from recurring.

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#cancer #gastrointestinalstromaltumorosmosis
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