What are the symptoms of Gallbladder Cancer? - Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh


Gall bladder cancer starts within thee cavity of a bag called as gall bladder and this slowly grow s within the gall bladder in early stages especially stage 1 and stage 2 upto even stage 3, you may not have any symptoms at all in case of gall bladder cancer, it becomes very symptomatic only in stage 4 when there is a complete infiltration into the liver and surrounding tissue. Then there will be severe pain in the right hypochonidic area, but what we know is common in those people who have gall stones. So patient will have symptoms of gall bladder stones more often, pain abdomen and indigestion feeling and would have detected the gall stones during the routine heath check-ups and ultrasound scans. So it is to prevent gall bladder cancer. It is important to make sure that you dot have gall stones or you treat it once the gall stones are formed in the body.

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