What are the signs of anal cancer? 6 signs to know.


What are the signs of anal cancer? 6 signs to know. The most dangerous diseases are those whose symptoms often go unnoticed. Anus cancer is unequivocally one of these diseases. The latter, asymptomatic in the early stages of the disease, does not end up causing signs until the tumor grows and spreads to neighboring tissues. For this purpose, discover 6 signs of anal cancer that should not be ignored.
Anal cancer is a condition that affects the anal canal. Its symptoms closely resemble those of rectal cancer, so it is very easy to confuse them. However, it is also very essential to separate them because the treatments for the two diseases are completely different.

Anal cancer, a rare disease.
Squamous cell cancer of the anal canal accounts for almost 2% of malignant tumors affecting the digestive system. According to the national colo-proctology society (SNFCP), it affects 3 times more women than men. It was typically found in women over the age of 60, however it has evolved in recent decades. The reason ? The human Papiloma virus epidemic. It is transmitted during sexual intercourse. You should know that almost 40% of women are infected with this virus during the first two years of the beginning of their sexual activity.

Signs of anal cancer.
In Europe, anal cancer affects around 1,000 people each year. Its symptoms are identical to those observed in the case of benign anal diseases such as hemorrhoids. It is therefore essential to consult a doctor as soon as possible when they appear. Here are the signs that should alarm you:

1. Blood in the stool.
When your stool is accompanied by a reddish fluid similar to blood, this may be due to anal cancer. It is also not uncommon for a black liquid to be observed. The blood mixes with the fecal matter and takes on its color.

2. Itching of the anal region.
If discomfort, itching, or discomfort occurs after you have gone to the bathroom, then it may indicate a tumor in your anal canal.

3. Mucus flow.
Anal cancer can sometimes be accompanied by discharge of mucus that you can find in your underwear or accompanying your stool.

4. Pain and pressure in the anal region.
If you feel pressure on your anus like a lump that weighs like you want to go to the bathroom but there is nothing to evacuate, this should alarm you.

5. Narrow stools.
It is not uncommon for a person with anal cancer to have trouble defecating. Long, narrow stools in the shape of a "pencil" can be a sign of anal cancer.

6. Presence of genital warts in the anal region.
Warts, also known as genital warts, are a common symptom of anal cancer. If you notice warts in the anal area, it may be due to anal cancer.

It is important if you experience one or more of these symptoms that you seek medical advice as soon as possible. Early diagnosis is the surest way to increase your chances of recovery.

Treatment of anal cancer.
When detected in time, anal cancer very rarely develops into metastasis, only 10% of cases progress this way. Radiation chemotherapy is the recommended treatment when it comes to this cancer. Surgery remains for this disease only a solution of last resort because it consists in amputating the anus and carrying out a colostomy, a procedure making it possible to join the epithelium of the colon to the wall of the abdomen.

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