Stage 1 पेट के कैंसर का इलाज | Stage 1 Stomach Cancer Treatment | Dr Praveen Kammar, SSO, Mumbai


In this video, Dr. Praveen Kammar (Consultant Surgical Oncologist, SSO Hospital, Mumbai) will tell us about the causes of stomach cancer and what is early-stage stomach cancer.

00:35 What is early-stage stomach cancer?
Early-stage stomach cancer can be a silent threat, often causing few or no symptoms until the disease has grown into advanced stages. It is the time when cancer has not spread to other parts of the body and if detected early is curable.

00:55 How is the staging of stomach cancer done?
Staging is the process of finding out how much cancer is in a person's body and where it's located. It's how the doctor determines the stage of a person's cancer. The factors that decide the stage of stomach cancer are as a percentage of area affected by the walls of the stomach, damage done to the lymph nodes & area affected other than the lymph nodes.

1:59 Layers of stomach
The inner lining of the stomach is called the mucosa. The lamina propria is the thin layer that consists of connective tissues. The submucosa is the second layer that supports the mucosa. It is rich in blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves. The serosa is the last and outermost layer. It’s the lining that wraps around the stomach to confine it.

2:40 Early-stage stomach cancer Treatment
The early-stage stomach cancer is only involved in mucosa, submucosa & muscle layer. An expert advises a patient to undergo endoscopy as well as endo sonography to be sure. If the stomach cancer is in the mucosa, it can be treated by endoscopy itself.
Treating stomach cancer with endoscopy must be done by a specialist and an experienced doctor only.

5:20 Stage-1 stomach cancer Treatment
Stage 1 stomach cancer means cancer has grown into the inner, supportive, or muscle layer of the stomach. The standard treatment for stage 1 stomach cancer is surgery.

The treatment of stomach cancer varies according to the location of cancer, its spread, and various other factors. To know more about the stages of stomach cancer, watch the full video.

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