Macro-micropreparate: Obesity of the heart, Kidney amyloidosis, Sago and Glazed spleen, Fatty heart.


๐Ÿ“ŒMะฐcropreparation: Obesity of the heart
1. Organ: heart
2. Shape: saved
3. Weight: increased
4. Surface: smooth
5. Color: pale yellow
6. Consistency: flabby
7. On the cut: adipose tissue grows under the epicardium, enveloping the heart
8. Causes of development: hypoxia, irregular nutrition, hyperthyroidism, impaired diencephalon
9. Mechanism of development of the process: imbalance between lipogenesis and lipolysis
10. Outcome: reversible and irreversible; can eventually break myocardium
11. Meaning: due to overgrowth of adipose tissue under the epicardium and in the stroma, violates activity of the heart.

๐Ÿ“ŒMacropreparation: Kidney amyloidosis
1. Organ: kidney
2. Shape: saved
3. Body size: enlarged
4. Surface: smooth with oily sheen
5. Color: pale yellow, gray yellow
6. Consistency: dense
7. On the cut: yellowish-gray with a greasy sheen
8. Causes of development: prolonged infection, lung abscess, rheumatic diseases
9. Mechanism of development of the process:
Violation of protein metabolism, which leads to perverted synthesis of the abnormal amyloid protein
10. Outcome: irreversible - atrophy and necrosis of nephrocytes, impaired renal function.
11. Meaning: with severe amyloidosis, chronic renal failure is possible

๐Ÿ“ŒMacropreparation : Sago spleen
1. Organ: spleen
2. Shape: saved
3. Body size: enlarged
4. Surface: smooth, shiny, greasy luster
5. Body color: red
6. Consistency: dense
7. On the cut: the color of the organ is closely red
8. Causes: chronic inflammatory diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, osteomyolitis.
9. Mechanism of development: amyloid is deposited in the lymphatic follicles or evenly throughout the pulp
10. Outcome: unfavorable; atrophy of parenchymal elements develops, death 11. Functional significance: depends on the development of amyloidosis

๐Ÿ“ŒMacropreparation : Glazed spleen
1. Organ: spleen
2. Organ shape: retained
3. Body size: enlarged
4. The surface of the organ: hyalinosis of the spleen capsule, the capsule is dense, translucent
5. Color: whitish-gray
6. Consistency: dense
7. Mechanism of development: atherosclerosis, violations of the functional properties of the organ
8. Outcome: prolonged dysfunction of the spleen.

๐Ÿ”Micropreparation: Kidney amyloidosis
1. Organ: kidney tissue
2. Painted: Congo red
3. In the renal glomeruli there are red amyloid in capillary loops
glomerulus. Amyloid is deposited in the basement membranes of the tubules and in the stroma.
4. Causes: infectious diseases, lung abscess, bronchoestasis, rheumatic
5. Outcome: leads to overgrowth of the kidney tissue, dysfunction of the kidney.

๐Ÿ”Micropreparation: Fatty heart
1. Heart tissue
2. G.E
3. Between the epicardium and the myocardium there are layers of fatty tissue. They their structure resembles bee hives. The nuclei are located closer to the membrane. Adipose tissue grows into the myocardial stroma, especially in the subepicardial regions.
4. Causes: hypoxia, unbalanced diet, alimentary obesity, intoxication, hypothyroidism, violation of the pituitary gland of the pituitary gland and diencephalon, family and constitutional factors.
5. Outcome: with overweight, there is a rupture of the myocardium of the heart, since obesity heart leads to false hypertrophy and cardiac tamponade.
6. Significance: overgrowth of adipose tissue in the stroma and epicardium leads to a decrease myocardial function, this leads to a violation of the blood circulation of the heart


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