Head and Neck Cancer Risk Factors and Symptoms | Dr. Parveen Jain | Aakash Healthcare


► Today, we’ll discuss a few things on Head and Neck Cancer Risk Factors and Symptoms.

► So, the predominant risk factor of head and neck cancer is smoking and/or chewing tobacco. If you consume tobacco in any way, if you smoke it or chew it: can lead to all
sorts of head and neck cancers. Apart from this, alcohol by itself is an independent risk factor (that causes head and neck cancers)
but when combined with smoking or chewing tobacco: the risk increases significantly.

► Also, sharper teeth (than usual) or ill-fitting dentures can also cause scarring and injuries that may turn into cancer.

► Certain viral infections also cause head and neck cancer, for instance EBV, or Epstein-Barr Virus causes cancer in the naso-pharynx, Human papilloma virus (HPV) can cause cancer in the hypo-pharynx.

► In India, consuming betel nut, (pan-supari) is fairly common and those who consume it: do so under the false belief that it isn’t as harmful due to the absence of tobacco in it. This is not correct. Chewing pan-supari can also lead to cancer.

► Now we’ll move on to the symptoms associated with this type of cancers. For head and neck cancer symptoms, the symptoms will depend on the exact location of the cancer.

► For instance, if it’s cancer in the naso-pharynx region: then a nose blockage is quite probable, you may experience nasal intonation (it’ll sound like you’re speaking from your nose), you may face hearing problems, you may see puss or infection in the ear.

► Now moving on to Cancer in the oral cavity, if the cancer is above the lip, your mouth’s opening may reduce in size and if it’s above the tongue, then the tongue may not be able to move as freely or may develop ulcers.

► In case of cheek cancer, the thickness of the afflicted cheek could increase or ulcers may also form alongside.

► If the cancer is located in the gums, you may begin to notice your dentures not fitting as well as they usually did, or experience unexpected loss of teeth.

► If the cancer is in the jaw, your mouth will not open as much as it should, this is called Trismus, which makes it very hard to eat and drink properly; often leading to weight loss.

► As far as oropharynx or hypopharynx cancers go, the cancer will affect the areas that allow us to swallow and eat: this can make the consumption of solid food very hard, or very painful.

► If the cancer is in the larynx (your voice box) that produces your sound and voice, reduced volume in your voice, then you may experience hoarseness, breathing difficulties. There’s a typical sound that emanates from the larynx called striker which can also occur.

► When all these cancers begin to spread, lymph nodes (or swellings) may form in the neck, and if the cancer travels to other parts of the body, other symptoms may also appear there. For instance if the cancer travels to the lungs it may cause breathing difficulties, if it goes to the brain it may cause headaches, seizures, or vomiting, if it goes into the bones it can cause bone-pains or pathological fractures, and if it travels out to liver, it can cause piliya along with difficulty eating.

► These are the main symptoms, thank you.

Dr. Parveen Jain is the Senior Consultant & Head of Department Oncology
at Aakash Healthcare Super Speciality Hospital, Dwarka
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#headandneckcancer #aakashhealthcare #neckcancer #cancersymptoms #RiskfactorsandPrevention

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