Ewing Sarcoma | Jimmy's story | Stand Up To Cancer
Jimmy was 36 when he was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma and had to have his leg amputated. Ewing Sarcoma is a form of bone cancer that forms in the soft tissue.
'In the space of two or three minutes I was told I had cancer, I'm going to have chemotherapy and I'm going to have my leg amputated.'
Just a year on, he took part in the Sprintathon, where he was one of 422 people who broke a world record by running a marathon in the fastest time, all in aid of our kick-ass research! Jimmy has joined our rebellion against cancer, and you can too.
1 in 2 people in the UK will get cancer during their life time. Every pound you give helps speed up life-saving cancer research, bringing treatments to people who need them, faster.
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