Cervical cancer prevention week 2023✨
Cervical cancer prevention week 2023
In January we raise awareness for cervical health. We here at SkinSense Gp Clinic have NO AGE RESTRICTIONS to have SMEAR TEST. If you have any worries why not book in with us privately and get your answers today❗️
Smear test detects pre-cancerous changes in the cervix long before they can produce any symptoms. So the changes are discovered well before any harm is done ✅
☎️01245 206106
📱07954 303152
#skinsensegpclinic #SmearForSmear #drlanka #smeartest #raisingawareness #privategp #cervicalhealth #noagelimit #chelmsford #essex #doctorsonlyclinic #privateclinic #bloodtest #cervicalcancer #lipfiller #cervicalcancerawareness #cervicalscreening #moleremoval #molecheck #wartremoval #cystremoval #plexr #smokersline #nonsurgicalblepharoplasty#cervicalscreeningsaveslives #aqualyx #vaginalrejuvenation #contraception #coilinsertion #implantremoval
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