Trachea, Bronchial Tree and Alveolar Tree (Parts, Structures and Walls) - Anatomy


Introduction: 0:00
Topography of the Trachea: 00:55
Parts of the Trachea: 1:43
Tracheal Wall: 2:45
Brochi: 4:30
Foreign Body Aspiration 5:25
Bronchi: 6:10
Bronchial Tree 8:22
Alveolar Tree 9:41
Different types of Epithelium 10:33
Layers of the Tracheal, Bronchial and Bronchiolar wall 10:51

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Trachea (Windpipe)
- Divides into Bronchi
- 9-15 cm long and 2-2,5 cm in diamenter
- Skeletopy: C6-7 to T4-5

Parts of the Trachea
- Tracheal Cartilages (Cartilagines tracheales)
- Annular Ligaments (Ligamenta Anularia)
- Membranous Part (Paries Membranaceus)
- Tracheal Bifurcation (Bifurcatio Tracheales)
- Carina of Trachea (Carina Tracheae)

Layers of Trachea:
- Tunica Mucosa (Contain Tracheal Lymphoid Nodules and Tracheal Glands) (Noduli Lymphoidei Tracheales and Glandula Tracheales)
- Tela Submucosa
- Tunica Adventitia

- Right Primary (Main) Bronchus (Bronchus Principalis Dexter) is Shorter and wider adn more vertical
- Left Primary (Main) Bronchus (Bronchus Principialis Sinister) is Longer and more narrow
- Enter the lungs throguh hilum of the lungs (hilum pulmonis)
- 3 Right Lobar Bronchi (Bronchi Lobares Dexter)
- 2 Left Lobar Bronchi (Bronchi Lobares Dexter)
- Superior Lobar Bronchus
- Middle Lobar Bronchus
- Inferior Lobar Bronchus
- Segmental Bronchi (Bronchi Segmentles)

Foreign Body Aspiration:
- Inhaling a foregn object into airways
- Most commonly fall into the right main bronchus

Bronchial Tree (Arbor Bronchialis):
- Left/Right Principal Bronchi
- Enters through Pulmonary Hilum (Hilum Pulmonis)
- Lobar Bronchi (Bronchi Lobares)
- Segmental Bronchi (Bronchi Segmentales)
- Terminal Bronchi (Bronchi Terminales)
- Respiratory Epithelium becoming cuboidal epithelium

Alveolar Tree (Arbor Alveolaris):
- Terminal Bronchioles (Bronchi Terminales)
- Respiratory Bronchioles
○ Primary Bronchiole with Alveoli
○ Secondary Bronchiole
○ Tertiar Bronchiole
- Alveolar Ducts (Ductus Alveolares)
- Alveolar Sacs (Sacculi Alveolares)

Comparing the walls of Trachea, Bronchus and Bronchiole:
- Tracheal Wall:
○ Tunica Mucosa
○ Tela Submucosa
○ Tracheal Cartilage
○ Smooth Muscles (Membranous Part)
○ Tunica Adventitia
- Bronchial Wall
○ Tunica Mucosa
○ Tela Submucosa
○ Fibromusculocartilaginous Layer (Tunica Fibromusculocartilaginea)
○ Tunica Adventitia
- Bronchiolar Wall:
○ Tunica Mucosa
○ Tela Submucosa
○ Tunica Muscularis
○ Tunica Adventitia

Sources used in this video:
- Memorix Anatomy 2nd Edition by Hudák Radovan (Author), Kachlík David (Author), Volný Ondřej (Author)
- Biorender
- University notes and lectures

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