Robin Sweeney - Client Success Story


In 2004, Robin Sweeney was diagnosed with a desmoid tumor, which was underneath her scapula and spiraled down into her rib cage.

She went through chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.

They removed muscle and tendon and even a couple of ribs. Her range of motion on her left side was completely gone

Robin started training with us via our KickStart Program in early 2020.

And… in her words… “The last three years my life has changed 175%. I have tons of energy, I feel fit, I feel healthy, I feel grounded.”

When Robin first stated - she couldn’t do one push up, she couldn’t do a burpee, and she couldn’t jump rope.

Look at her now! She looks like a completely different person. It is so incredible how much progress you can make when you commit to consistent effort.

And… it is so much more than that. As Robin says, “Not only has Wilcox Wellness & Fitness helped me to realize the person I am today but it also has helped me to realize that there is more out there for me to become.”

If you are inspired by Robin’s story and want to see how Wilcox Wellness & Fitness can help you push your limits, then let’s plan a time to talk. Click here to schedule a no obligation call to set up a time to chat!

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