NHA Asks US House of Representatives For $1 Billion, CBD Study Shows Use In Bladder Cancer


A national hemp trade organization is asking U.S. House of Representatives leadership to attach $1 billion in funding to budget reconciliation legislation to support industry innovation and research on the crop.

The National Hemp Association (NHA), which says it represents 90 percent of state hemp permit holders across the U.S., recently wrote a letter to top lawmakers with a proposed amendment that is meant to boost the industry as it works to find its footing after the plant was legalized under the 2018 Farm Bill.

California cannabis advocates scored a pair of victories in the state legislature this week. Lawmakers sent a bill to the governor’s desk to set up a regulatory framework for hemp-derived CBD sales that also removes the ban on smokable hemp products, and they also approved a measure to require hospitals to permit medical marijuana use by certain patients.

Another California bill was also sent to drop the minimum mandatory jail time for nonviolent drug-offenders.

A New York senator wants to give local jurisdictions another year to decide whether they will opt out of allowing marijuana businesses to operate in their area—a proposal that advocates say is unnecessary and would create undue complications for the industry.

Michigan Attorney Dana Nessel helped welcome attendees to the Veteran Resource Deployment event held in Muskegon Friday.

The free expo - hosted by VanDyk Mortgage, JCI Greater Muskegon and the Muskegon County Department of Veterans Affairs - is offering wide-ranging resources for veterans and their families. Members of the Department of Attorney General were onsite to provide information regarding the expungement process.

Supreme Court of Delaware ruled that the smell of marijauna does not establish probable cause. Contradictory to Oklahoma’s ruling that was quite the opposite.

Il quesito depositato alla Corte di Cassazione. Obiettivo 500 mila firme entro il 30 settembre (grazie anche alla firma digitale). Gli organizzatori: «Sono 6 milioni i consumatori in Italia, tra questi anche moltissimi pazienti lasciati soli dallo Stato»

The question filed with the Court of Cassation. Target 500,000 signatures by 30 September (thanks also to the digital signature). The organizers: "There are 6 million consumers in Italy, including many patients left alone by the state"

A marijuana prescription is available in Mzansi. The 32-year-old Mtetwa is now a spirited activist for medical marijuana after the plant helped him overcome the horror pains he endured after a road accident.

The Gauteng man was involved in a motorcycle crash back in 2011 and later needed a safer and more effective way to treat himself. He began to grow his own marijuana before it was permitted in Mzansi.

Cannabidiol Effectively Promoted Cell Death in Bladder Cancer and the Improved Intravesical Adhesion Drugs Delivery Strategy Could Be Better Used for Treatment

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