CANCER FIGHTING FOODS - 19 Foods That Prevent Cancer


In today's video, we will show you the top 19 cancer fighting foods. Here are a few tips that will help you get the most benefits from eating all those great cancer fighting foods. Garlic and ginger not only add flavor, but they are also cancer fighting foods. Many foods available in organic markets or superstores contain cancer-fighting antioxidants and can naturally combat cancer cells. The antioxidants neutralize damage because of cancer-triggering free radicals and convert them into phytochemicals that fight off cancer cells.

Cancer cells are always found in your body and are typically kept in control by our body's immune system. Do you know how your body's natural defense system functions?
Thousands of cancer cells are present in your body from the time being. But, when the cancer cell number reaches the millions, we know our body's immune system is not working correctly. Cancer cells may go unnoticed as foreign cells by your body. As cancer cells develop more instantly than normal cells, they can replace healthy ones. It goes almost undetected by your body until we feel something is not right, a tumor, or an organ is not working adequately.
Cancer has happened in the body over duration because of various factors. External factors like polluted-environment, toxins, smoking, p****ive smoking, continuous shock, and

#cancerfightingfoods #fightcancer #cancer

Intro - 0:00
Carrots - 1:39
Cruciferous Vegetables - 2:14
Apples - 2:42
Chilli Pepper - 3:11
Almonds - 3:40
Eggs - 4:10
Whole Grains - 4:41
Nuts and Seeds - 5:09
Green Peas - 5:41
Garlic - 6:08
Sweet Potatoes - 6:39
Beetroot - 7:07
Soybeans - 7:28
Strawberries & Raspberries - 8:06
Turmeric - 8:31
Tomatoes - 8:52
Flaxseed - 9:15
Grapes & Grapes Juice - 9:40
Fatty fish - 10:07

DISCLAIMER: The information on this channel is not to replace the personalized diagnosis of a health specialist, or replace any medical treatment.

Never stop consult your doctor for the supervision of any disease, We are trying to provide a perfect, valid, specific, detailed information.

We are not a licensed professional so make sure to consult your doctor in case you need it.

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