#AgorHouse - SINDROME DI WERNER: il viaggio nel tempo


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Con questo video iniziamo una nuova rubrica sul nostro canale (#AgorHouse) in cui tratteremo, periodicamente: malattie rare, pillole di fisiologia (e molto altro) con un approccio divulgativo e un linguaggio più vicino ai "non-addetti ai lavori".
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1) ‘Orphanet: Sindrome Di Werner’. https://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?Lng=IT&Expert=902.
2) ‘Werner Syndrome | Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD) – an NCATS Program’.
3) Werner Syndrome. NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders) https://rarediseases.org/rare-....diseases/werner-synd
4) Oshima, Junko, Julia M. Sidorova, and Raymond J. Monnat. ‘Werner Syndrome: Clinical Features, Pathogenesis and Potential Therapeutic Interventions’. Ageing Research Reviews 33 (January 2017): 105–14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arr.62016.03.002.
5) Genetics Home Reference. ‘WRN Gene’.
6) Lautrup Sofie, Domenica Caponio, Hoi-Hung Cheung, Claudia Piccoli, Tinna Stevnsner, Wai-Yee Chan, and Evandro F. Fang. ‘Studying Werner Syndrome to Elucidate Mechanisms and Therapeutics of Human Aging and Age-Related Diseases’. Biogerontology 20, no. 3 (June 2019): 255–69. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10522-019-09798-2.
7) Werner Syndrome Treatment & Management: Medical Care, Consultations. (2020). Medscape. https://emedicine.medscape.com..../article/1114125-tre

00:00 | Generalità
01:51 | Eziopatogenesi
04:50 | Epidemiologia
06:22 | Clinica
07:52 | Diagnosi
08:30 | Terapia
10:02 | Conclusioni
11:16 | Bibliografia

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